Posted by: thetomarellifamily | November 25, 2013

Around Here: Learning

Months ago, I noticed that Blake was going crazy on the days he didn’t have school. The twins needed even more of my attention. The house was becoming more of a disaster (still is). And, my poor guy was acting out in a bad way.

So, I searched and found some really cool websites (here and here) that featured crafts for kids. Some activities had to do with upcoming holidays and others had to do with just plain learning and teaching him something new. Nowadays, we spend at least an hour or two sitting at the kitchen table tracing, writing our name or learning our letters. And, if the weather is right (which it usually is) we play store or water our plants.

It’s amazing to me that he knows how to write a ‘B’ or knows that his friend, Cash’s name starts with a C. And how to set a table?! Gosh, he’s growing up!

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